
What to Expect

Our commercial inspections comply with the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP) – the industry-accepted commercial inspection guidelines, and a proven process and system. As a baseline, the assessment includes the following services:

Walk-through survey. This is the portion of the service where the inspector conducts a thorough on-site visual examination of the property’s physical condition. The assessment is focused on the building’s critical systems and components, including the following:

  • Heating and Ventilation Systems;
  • Cooling Systems;
  • Plumbing Systems;
  • Mechanical and Electrical Systems;
  • Roof Surface, Drainage, And Penetrations;
  • Exterior Elements and Fixtures;
  • General Topography of The Building Site;
  • Parking Areas and Sidewalks (For Barriers to Accessibility);
  • Wood Decks and Balconies;
  • Basement, Foundation, And Crawlspace;
  • Doors, Windows, And Interior;
  • Life Safety Components;
  • Kitchen (Including Storage);
  • And Other Areas That Are Specific to The Subject Property.

Document procurement and review. For this portion of the service, the commercial inspector requests and reviews documents and records about the property. Some relevant documents may include lease agreements, Certificates of Occupancy, building and fire code violations, service contracts, repair invoices, and maintenance records. The commercial inspector will also interview person(s) with the most knowledge about the condition of the building. Many potential deficiencies can be identified about a building this way, as well as in reviewing its history. This service will enhance the information obtained during the walk-through survey; and provide supporting documentation for the inspection report.

Inspection report. The final product of a commercial property inspection is the written report. It will contain concise details from the walk-through survey, documents procured, the results of interviews conducted, and any other third-party reports ordered as part of the commercial property inspection.

The inspection report will include a detailed summary of the inspector’s findings. This will provide the client with an inventory of the building’s major systems and components, and an evaluation of their functional and physical condition. These findings will highlight the property’s strengths and potential deficiencies, along with deferred maintenance issues. The inspection report can be used to understand and address the issues that will impact the building from a physical standpoint and financial perspective, as well as the health and safety of the building’s occupants.

Specialty consultants are available in the following areas:

  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • HVAC
  • Engineering
  • Commercial Kitchens and Food Service
  • Thermal Imaging
  • ADA Compliance
  • Pools and Spas
  • Air Quality

Additional Services:

  • Commercial Property Inspection for Buyers
  • Specialty Real Estate Inspection
  • Commercial Property Inspection for Lessees
  • Retail Property Inspection
  • Office Real Estate Inspection
  • Multi-Unit Residential Property Inspection
  • Industrial Building Inspection
  • Hospitality Real Estate Inspection
  • Luxury Home Inspection or Estate Inspection
  • Vacant and Abandoned Building Inspection, Do I Need One?
  • Seller Inspections for Commercial Real Estate
  • Accessibility Inspection
  • Fire Door Inspection
  • Commercial Infrared Scanning and Energy Audits
  • OSHA Compliance